Tag Archive for: Foundation

Legal forms company / enterprise (real estate): GbR, KG, GmbH, AG & Co. – comparison, advantages and taxes

Legal forms – What types of company are there? If you want to found your first company, then the choice of the legal form is one of the first steps in the process of founding a company. Whether it is a special real estate company or a start-up, here I have summarized all types of […]

Bildmontage, viele Besucher aus Moskau (mit Kremel)

Lukinski XO Moscow

Good morning, Moscow! First of all, thank you so much for the last four days! I don’t know which one of you it is, but a few people seem to really like Lukinski.de. Four days ago, Google Analytics recorded the first claim from Moscow. Also the next day and… the next day. Wow. Whoever is […]