Tag Archive for: Financing plan

Coalition Agreement 2021 for Homeowner & Apartment – New Construction, Heating, Solar, …

Coalition agreement – What does the coalition agreement mean for real estate owners? After 16 years with Chancellor Angela Merkel, now follows a new federal government, with new concepts and new ideas. Last night, the new coalition agreement was presented and I wanted to take a direct look at the most important aspects, especially for […]

Berlin rent cap overturned! Constitutional Court ends experiment – retroactive rent payment threatens

Berlin rent cap – The Berlin rent cap is illegal and thus inadmissible! This was decided by the Federal Constitutional Court in April. While some housing companies did not increase their rents back to the old level despite the end of the rent cap, many landlords now demand repayments and put the rents back up. […]

Unternehmergesellschaft / UG (haftungsbeschränkt) – Foundation, Financing, Liability & Co.

Unternehmergesellschaft / UG (haftungsbeschränkt) – The Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) is a German legal form based on the legal form of the Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH). It is considered to be the little sister of the GmbH and is therefore often referred to as the “mini-GmbH”. Basically, there are only minor differences between the UG (haftungsbeschränkt) […]