Sell a house in Langenfeld (Rhineland)

Optimizing the price by means of good tips and tricks, how do I achieve the best property valuation? Profitable house sale in Langenfeld (Rhineland): For the sale of your old property I have the various requests that reach us via e-mail but also in my daily work on in conversations at viewing appointments or directly on the site.

The organizational process always starts with a good assessment – First with your new broker agree to quickly find the value of their own property (apartment or house). First it applies to determine the selling price of the real estate the highest possible selling price to be able to reach, all the same whether 1 room condominium, idyllic real estate on the country or town house . Acquire in our community all the here described and further, presupposed knowledge in the real estate marketlooking up similar prices, but if you are not interested in all the hassle, contact us via e-mail and phone, with a value assessment of most properties, the here described presupposed knowledge in the real estate marketprices to research will help you and if you want to save yourself some time, contact us uncomplicated via mail and phone.

Preparation of papers (floor plan and architectural plans)

You various crucial documents, they include, for example, offers and forecasts. Beautiful photos increase the possible selling price of your property. So that so any buyer can make a much more comprehensive picture, that saves time produced photos should always show your property in Langenfeld (Rhineland) from considered perspectives.

Haus verkaufen mit Immobilienmakler

Determine a value for your property

Several factors contribute to the determination of the selling price, such as room layout, possible defects, neighborhood and also property equipment and condition, here counts not how much you yourself once paid for the property, as well as settled over time in diligence and money. As at all times, the demand and supply of houses regulate the value that the prospective buyer will be willing to invest, supply and demand in the current market dominate the likely price that a prospective buyer will be willing to invest. That you should plan for so that there are no unrealistic desires at play In the day, such a calculation promises a lot of diligence you must have. For private individuals it may be quite difficult to determine the actual property value seriously, the alternative, an assessment by usmit by our expert.

Next on the todo list comes with: Your offer for your home by the real estate expert erstellen lassen.Whether interest is present one knows directly when you look at a description on a real estate portal, as always, our first look counts to large parts. It pays to invest effort in a good exposé, in addition, as a still owner you know about all the features of the house. In the advertisement or exposé of the property everything must have been noted, as well as pool for the beautiful weekend, garden and floor space and use, and much more. The exposé is ready? The greatest chances of success guarantee the ImmobilienPortal but of course also the local newspaper and then wait.

Receive requests from interested parties

With your Exposè perfectly worked out by the broker with galleries for photos it often goes fast and already you have first inquiries on the real estate advertisement of your broker. If you have a real estate agent in addition pulled he or she takes the feedback for you, exclusively then, if still questions of prospective buyers arise, he or she announces itself.

Coordinate and carry out viewing appointments. Now it becomes noticeably exciting, their broker now organizes every morning new viewing appointments with interested parties, he takes over each appointment alone, of course, owners can be in the talks.

Have the creditworthiness of the interested parties confirmed

So that you do not have to experience any payment irregularities when selling your house, the insured solvency of the prospective buyer is checked directly by information.

Notary visit and finalization of the real estate purchase contract

All formalities of the purchase contract but also all negotiations with the new owner, leads your broker of confidence. Your notarized contract of sale is prepared by your seller together with the notary, for a certification of the joint action the way to the notary is obligatory. Whatever prerequisites you had, whether representative real estate and the developed property with the best location, the set main goal is close, at the notary seller and buyer sign the contract. Congratulations, with the signature your property is officially sold.

The next step: transfer of the agreed purchase price to you as the owner after entry in the land register (the so-called priority notice of conveyance).the notary now performs the land register entry, in addition, a priority notice of conveyance is entered. It has the aim to prevent possible double sale of the property, immediately when the new owner could transfer agreed purchase price to your named account, he learns it from the notary, after that you should check your own account balance for the receipt of payment.

Payment of notary appointment and broker expenses

Pay as a seller now the payment of your broker and notary costs, after your purchase contract of the house was sealed with their signature. You will receive two invoices from both.

Now follows: Pay calculated real estate transfer tax. . If there are less than a full 10 years between the original purchase and sale, you may have to transfer capital gains tax, then solidarity surcharge and church tax may still be calculated on it, of course there are exceptions. For example, if you as the owner have lived there for more than three years in owner-occupation, but who has lived in his house for more than 3 years itself and was not active here as a landlord, will be exempt.

Urban change and the ownership of real estate in Langenfeld (Rheinland) – costs and structures

Estimates from real estate owner to new building demand currently. On an area of 41.15 km² live and enjoy themselves currently Langenfeld (Rhineland) thousand citizens. Apartments are in demand with 1423 people per square kilometre.

Langenfeld (Rheinland) housing and property market: facts and figures

According to the latest calculation of the Federal Statistical Office, 22,746 people live in the possession of a house or townhouse and a whole 28,350 renting citizens. WGs in Langenfeld (Rhineland) come a total of only a really small share of only 3,859 people. Of these, 34,552 are married and 24,011 are single. Demand for new construction in the form of housing units in all districts. What estimates can be found from large-scale surveys? By 2020, half of Langenfeld (Rhineland) housing studies predict new units17% see only 24,845 new housing units in need and one-third assume Langenfeld (Rhineland) units in Langenfeld (Rhineland), statistically only 164 new units are completed in Langenfeld (Rhineland) annually. With an investment amount 2,269,121,040.00 euros this year.

43,056 should be statistically very satisfied

In Langenfeld (Rhineland), all citizens are totally happy with their own location and neighborhood, whether single-family or multi-family, of all property owners, there are a whole 48,273 satisfied people who appreciate just this neighborhood and location, with the living environment are less satisfied, however, only 10,290, a similar picture shows up with tenants, with 43,056 people, compared to 15,507 people who are currently less satisfied. Did you already know that the vast majority of residents live in a single-family home and not in an apartment. In houses for one family live 30,667 Langenfeld (Rheinland)er, in houses with at least two tenants live 18,198 and 9,082 people in two-family houses, the famous semi-detached.

This is how Langenfeld (Rheinland) is developing today and in the coming years

Purely statistically, the city has many, including young residents, such as 2,155 young adults aged 21 to 23 years but also some for regional investment important people of advanced age, such as 10,254 people aged over 65 years,growth also in population development. Langenfeld (Rheinland)s number of residents is growing permanently, from 58,072 people about four years ago, Langenfeld (Rheinland) grew by 491 to statistically 59,053.The forecast continues, we are now looking at new demographic trends for the year 2035.

0.4 billion euros are now in the Langenfeld (Rhineland) real estate market

Incredible 357,127,822 euros in cash, according to statistical data basis of the German Federal Bank currently in bank accounts. Even higher financial means, because purely arithmetically 406,959,611 euros are put aside in real estate business and only 74,747,684 euros exist as use assets, would you have thought that? Purely statistically large capital yields are transferred by transactions every twelve months, the extrapolation comes up to 5.4 billion euro, in the housing new building are spent extrapolated up to 2.3 billion euro. Modernization is a more and more central topic with up to 2.681.688.501,82 Euro investment, in total the real estate market generates 10.314.186.545,45 Euro per year.

Living without renting? Private home ownership in Langenfeld (Rhineland)

Who actually lives in Langenfeld (Rheinland) without having to pay rent? Owners of real estate we have in every age group Let’s take a look at two values, according to statistics (empirica) today 2,463 toddlers from 0-10 years are living in houses or condominiums owned by their families, in the group of the older children, or teenagers, there are a little more. Almost certainly because parents have passed toddlerhood and are working on the career they previously aspired to, now quite a few are buying their house or condo. From 11 – 21 years old, 3,050 live in the real estate owned by parents, significantly less are 21-30 years old, they are often looking for new challenges around the world, statistically 667 of them live in their own property. The older, the more likely to acquire their own real estate property. Thus it is with the 31 to 40 years already again 2,528 and somewhat over them, with the 41-50 years bring it on 4,372. In the group of 51 – 60 years have 4,003 property and with the 61-70 years brings it still on 3,058. The coming part of the life spend not quite so many in the own real estate, 1,895 residents.

Statistics in Langenfeld (Rhineland)

Housing situation – apartment

Housing situation Number
Own house 22.746
Condo 3.602
Rent 28.350
WG 3.859

Source: Federal Statistical Office

Home ownership

Homeowners in Langenfeld (Rhineland) (years) Quantity
0-10 2.463
11-21 3.050
21-30 667
31-40 2.528
41-50 4.372
51-60 4.003
61-70 3.058
71-80 1.895

empirica / LBS Research (source)


Surrounding Area

Households (persons) today 2035 Difference
1 24.011 25.768 1.757
2 19.911 21.083 1.171
3 7.028 5.856 -1.171
4 5.271 4.685 -586
more than 5 1.757 1.698 -59

Source: Federal Statistical Office

Langenfeld (Rhineland)

Households today 2035 Change
1 31.038 32.795 1.757
2 16.983 16.398 -586
3 5.271 4.685 -586
4 3.514 3.455 -59
5 + 1.171 1.054 -117

Statistical source: Federal Statistical Office