Land inventory

Inventory – The inventory records various important details, such as the easements associated with the land, regarding a property. All of this necessary information is required by the cadastral office. The inventory is divided into several columns that contain, among other things, information about the inventory, attribution and depreciation. Inventory at a glance: Important information […]

Standard land value map contains all standard land values

Standard land value map – The standard land values, which are determined by the municipal expert committees, are published in the standard land value maps. This map can be viewed by anyone and forms the basis for determining the asking and selling price of a property. Among other things, the standard land value map contains […]

Burden of land

Building encumbrance – The building encumbrance is the public burden of a property owner vis-à-vis the building authority, which obliges him to do, to refrain from doing or to tolerate certain things concerning the property. This burden is registered in a building burden register kept by the city or municipality at the building supervisory authority. […]

Building permit for a plot of land

Building permit – A building permit is the permission granted by a competent authority to erect a structure on a plot of land. Before a building permit is issued, a preliminary building application must be requested from the building supervisory authority. However, anyone who builds without a building permit risks not only a sanction in […]

Ideal division of a property

Ideal division – In the ideal division of a property, co-ownership of several owners is created, which is entered in the land register. In this case, the property is not actually divided into independent parts, but the owners regulate their rights and obligations in a notarised declaration of division. In this declaration it is to […]

Building plot as construction-free area

Building plot – A building plot is an area free of buildings, which can be used for construction according to public law regulations. A property is considered to be a building plot if, on the one hand, it is defined in the development plan as an area in which building can take place and, on […]

Information on contaminated sites on a property

Altlastenauskunft – The Altlastenauskunft refers to the buildability of a property in connection with the soil changes due to old deposits. If the soil statics need to be adjusted or the fill material removed, this can be very costly. In order to avoid this, it is advisable to obtain a contaminated site report from the […]

Distance to the neighbouring property

Distance area – The distance area is the area that must be kept free from the border of the neighbouring property. The area to be kept clear is not only intended to ensure the best possible fire protection, but also that the neighbour’s property is not visually restricted. The minimum distance to be maintained from […]

Partition measurement of the new property boundaries

Partition measurement – Partition measurement plays an important role in the division of a plot of land. If the partial area of a property is to be sold and given its own sheet in the land register, a partition survey must be carried out, which records the new property boundaries in the real estate cadastre. […]

Use a right of way to get to one’s own property

Right of way – A right of way is the right to use accesses and paths that lead from a public road across another’s property to one’s own property. Taking the path over another’s property only serves the purpose of using it as a passageway or thoroughfare. The right of way must be registered in […]