Follow-up financing: Favorable real estate loan, interest, forecast & full repayment + calculator

Follow-up financing – Will the fixed interest rate for your current real estate loan end soon? Then don’t waste any time when it comes to finding the best follow-up financing. Rely on experts, because they will determine the perfect follow-up financing for you and show you the differences between the possible loan types. Favorable follow-up […]

Current construction interest rates: comparison, development, calculator & real estate financing

Building interest rates – For several years, the building interest rates are stable low. But which trend will the building interest development follow and is it worthwhile to fix a long debit interest commitment now and to protect yourself from a possible interest rate increase? Or do the construction interest rates continue to fall and […]

Building savings contract useful? Definition, comparison and calculator

Building savings contract – In the past, the building savings contract was considered the classic savings investment for anyone who wanted to fulfill the dream of owning their own home. A few years ago, there were higher interest rates for building savings, which made the offer more interesting for potential owners and the savings higher. […]

Power connection – Laying three-phase alternating current, stove & costs

Power connection – A power connection refers to a power connection of at least 400 volts. This is usually found in a kitchen or garage and is used to connect appliances with a high current load, such as an oven, stove or sauna. Heavy current is actually called three-phase alternating current because of the three […]

Capital investment real estate: Building sensible? Building savings, interest and comparison – Videos

Real estate as an investment – step by step, from the basics to specific questions on the subject: building & building savings. Earn money with real estate! Here you will find tips from professionals. Good luck. Building: Does it make sense at current interest rates? Common questions include: How long building savings? What is the […]

Preliminary building application as the first step of a building project

Preliminary building application – In order to implement a building project, the consent of the municipality or a building permit is required, which can only be obtained through the preliminary building application. Through the preliminary building application, the builder can check which distance areas he must observe or whether exceptions or exemptions can be granted […]

Building society contract to finance a property

Building savings contract – The building savings contract is a way of financing real estate. This contract is invested with the building society and obliges the saver to save a fixed amount within a certain period of time. The agreed building society tariff determines, among other things, the interest rates, the savings and redemption period […]

Dry construction as a lightweight construction method of a building

Drywall – Drywall is the term used to describe the parts inside a building that are not made of concrete or stone, nor are they part of the load-bearing elements of the building. Thus, drywall construction is a method of construction in which the walls or floors are built or covered by rails and plasterboard, […]

Building file at the building authority

Building file at the building authority – When building applications are processed, the responsible clerk creates a building file at the building authority. This file contains all floor plans, documents, statics and building plans in connection with the building project. These documents are important for the granting of the building permit by the responsible building […]

9 tips on building finance: How to finance your new property

After you have decided to buy your dream property, the question of the right financing arises. Here you should inform yourself about all the options, because you have to live with the decision about financing for the next few years. So think about your decision carefully and follow the tips below. Approach financing the right […]