Tag Archive for: Purchase price determination

Determining the purchase price: The most important criteria for your financing – credit rating, equity & Co.

Determining the purchase price – So you have now decided whether you want to buy a yield or investment property, whether unrented or rented and you have also already informed yourself about the location of your new property? Before the real estate search can start, it is necessary to determine the purchase price. Here you […]

Location for house & apartment: strategies & tips for owner-occupiers and capital investors

Where to buy real estate – You want to buy a property and are still looking for the perfect location? The location of your new dream property depends on various factors. Are you buying as an owner-occupier or an investor? What are your personal goals? And when should you invest in which location? We explain […]

Real estate location: A-, B-, C-location for house and apartment – definition, example & comparison

Different location types explained – Whether house or dwelling, each buyer pursues its completely individual goals with its real estate search. And the location of the property also depends on these. While A-locations are particularly suitable for investment properties, we recommend B- and C-locations for investment properties. But what exactly do A, B and C […]

Investment real estate or yield real estate? Advantages and disadvantages – investment forms in comparison

Investment property or yield property – both capital investments are popular forms of investment. But what is the difference between a yield property and an investment property? What are the advantages and disadvantages? And how does it affect taxes? We also address the question: Which of the two forms is particularly suitable for the first […]