Tag Archive for: Fine

Limitation of liability for AG bodies (internal relationship)

Limitation of liability for AG executive bodies – In the event of a loss, the stock corporation as a legal entity under private law is, to a certain extent, subject to a limitation of liability, because the liability – apart from a few rare exceptions – exclusively burdens the business assets of the company. In […]

Divorce settlement: limits, contents and the correct form

Divorce settlement agreement – If a divorce can no longer be avoided, it should at least be settled amicably between the two spouses. An amicable divorce is the easiest and most cost-effective for all parties involved. A divorce settlement agreement helps to make divorce by mutual consent as uncomplicated as possible and settles all the […]

Separation year: alimony, form, new partners – How does the separation year work?

Separation year – in every marriage there are crises. However, if these are insurmountable, it often comes to separation and the desire for divorce. However, before this can be made legally binding, the couple must go through a separation year. But why is this separation year needed at all and how does the divorce proceed […]

Landlord’s certificate, landlord’s confirmation – contents, deadlines and possible fines

Landlord certificate, landlord confirmation – If you move into an apartment or a house, the so-called landlord certificate is always an important issue that should be considered to avoid unnecessary costs. It was introduced due to a large number of so-called bogus addresses, which were often used for criminal activities. Landlord certificate – What you […]

Repayment loans in the real estate sector

Repayment loan – A repayment loan is a generic term for loans in which a specific repayment line is agreed over a fixed term. In the real estate sector, it is usually an annuity loan, whereby the resulting repayment installments are composed of an interest and a repayment portion. The advantage of an amortising loan […]