Tag Archive for: Co-Determination Act

Organs of a GmbH – managing director, supervisory board & company meeting

A limited liability company consists of several bodies. The managing directors deal with the day-to-day business and other matters of the company and represent their company externally in accordance with the GmbHG. The supervisory board is required by law above a certain number of employees and acts as a controlling body of the company by […]

Value added tax (VAT) simply explained: amount, delivery & service – “VAT” for companies

Value added tax – Most legal forms of business are subject to tax. Depending on the legal form, income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, trade tax and/or capital gains tax are due by law. Under certain circumstances, it is possible for some companies to be exempt from one or more of these types of […]

Buy a cat – the right cat for your life situation

Buy a cat – Cats are very elegant, beautiful but also stubborn animals. They are more independent than dogs, but still integrate into the family. Cuddling or playing cats love and are therefore perfect as a pet. A cat as a pet – these breed differences exist Who would like to have a cat as […]