Tag Archive for: Addresses

Frankfurt am Main: The most expensive streets – villas, luxury apartments, prices per square metre

Most expensive streets in Frankfurt am Main – Who thinks in Frankfurt am Main there are only high-rise buildings, banks and a lot of industry, is wrong. The Hessian city is home to several streets that far exceed the average price per square meter. The most expensive streets in Germany can be found in Berlin, […]

Living in the Elbe suburbs (Hamburg): Buying land in Rissen, Othmarschen, Blankenese & Co. – Popular property types and prices per square metre

Living in the Elbe suburbs – Upscale Uhlenhorst, exclusive HafenCity and luxurious Winterhude, the Elbe suburbs of Hamburg are also among the most exclusive residential areas in Germany. Due to the proximity to the romantic banks of the Elbe and the breathtaking villas, it is almost like a fairy tale here. Would you like to […]

GmbH & Co KG – Foundation, Management, Liability & Co

GmbH & Co KG – The GmbH & Co KG is a German legal form which combines the corporate legal form of the limited partnership (KG) with a limited liability company (GmbH). Thus, the greatest advantages of both legal forms – the separation between general partner & capital provider typical for the KG plus the […]