Supervisory Board – controlling body of a stock corporation (AG)
Supervisory Board – The Supervisory Board is a legally prescribed self-monitoring body that appoints and monitors the individual members of the Management Board and, in case of doubt, also removes them. Furthermore, it is responsible for the written reporting of the annual financial statements as well as for annual reports. The Management Board deals with the day-to-day business and other matters of the company and represents the stock corporation externally. The general meeting acts as the decision-making body of the stock corporation. Here you can find all legal forms and here you can go back to the overview AG.
Supervisory Board – The controlling body
The supervisory board is the supervisory body of a stock corporation and consists of at least three members. The Supervisory Board is appointed by the Annual General Meeting for a term of four years and is obliged to report to the Annual General Meeting.
More on the other bodies of a public limited company:
Duties of the Supervisory Board – Appointment, Supervision, Dismissal & Co
As the name suggests, the supervisory board is primarily responsible for supervising the management board, in addition to appointing and dismissing the management board. Furthermore, it is responsible for reporting in writing on the annual financial statements after they have been prepared by the management board and audited by the auditors, and it prepares annual reports. Formally, the Supervisory Board issues the invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting and can submit proposals to the General Meeting on the appropriation of the profits generated.
Tasks of the Supervisory Board at a glance:
- Reporting to the Annual General Meeting
- Appointment of the Management Board
- Supervision of the Management Board
- Dismissal of the Management Board
- Written reporting
- Preparation of annual reports
- Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting
- Proposal for the appropriation of profits
The members of the supervisory board are registered in person with the registration court and at least the chairman of the supervisory board must also be listed by name on the AG’s business letters. Upon taking up their office, supervisory board members may not simultaneously act as members of the management board of their company, and they are also prohibited by the prohibition of cross-linking from being appointed as a member of the management board of another company. Remuneration is paid to all members of the Supervisory Board in accordance with the Articles of Association or the amount is decided at the Annual General Meeting.
AG: foundation, legal form, special case real estate
- Stock corporation (AG)
- Real estate stock corporation (REIT-AG)
- Real estate company
Stock corporation (AG): Formation, liability, legal form & Co.
Aktiengesellschaft (AG) – The stock corporation is a German legal form founded by at least one person and organized by different bodies. Instead of a managing director, the company is managed by a board of directors consisting of at least one person. As the name already indicates, this legal form of a company primarily stands for stock trading. You would like to start a company alone or together with other people and learn more about company law forms in advance? Then you’ve come to the right place!
Real estate stock corporation (REIT-AG)
Real estate stock corporation / REIT-AG – You don’t find the idea of a stock corporation bad at all and are now wondering how you can combine your capital company with the real estate industry? A real estate company is a company that serves the financing, development, realization, leasing, or marketing of real estate – starting with a single property up to a real estate portfolio in the three or multi-digit range. The management of real estate property or third-party real estate on behalf of third parties can also be handled by a real estate company.
Real Estate GmbH & Asset Management GmbH
Alternative – In this article you will learn the basics about real estate companies. Briefly explained, a real estate company is a company that has the purpose of leasing, developing, financing, realizing and/or marketing. It doesn’t matter if it is one or more properties. The management of residential and commercial real estate – in its own interest or as a service offered to third parties – is also a popular focus for real estate companies and asset management GmbHs. Find out more about the main advantages and disadvantages of buying real estate and the expected costs.