Tag Archive for: Profitability

Real estate balance sheet / profitability: income properties, real estate purchase and cash flow optimisation

Real estate balance (Source: Alex Fischer) – Do you want others to help build your wealth? In this video, you’ll learn how certain income properties can give you another six for every one you pay! A comprehensive look at the economic part of real estate, both for cash investors, those who buy real estate for […]

Brokerage permit for contract conclusions

Broker permit – If one proves commercially the contract conclusions over properties or dwellings, one needs a permission of the responsible authority, the broker permit. The permission is granted only if the applicant can prove his reliability, he lives in orderly financial circumstances and he presents a clearance certificate of his competent tax office. If […]

Building permit for a plot of land

Building permit – A building permit is the permission granted by a competent authority to erect a structure on a plot of land. Before a building permit is issued, a preliminary building application must be requested from the building supervisory authority. However, anyone who builds without a building permit risks not only a sanction in […]

Building supervisory authority (Berlin) to monitor compliance with public law regulations

Building supervisory authority (Berlin) – In general, the building supervisory authority monitors compliance with the public-law regulations for certain projects on building structures. These projects include, for example, the construction, modification, use, maintenance or demolition of buildings. Among other things, the building supervisory authority is responsible for the building permit procedure. In Berlin, the requirements […]