Tag Archive for: im Alltag sparen

Egypt: New capital to be built 60km from Cairo – “New Administrative Capital

Egypt’s new capital – Why is Egypt building a new capital? A new Egyptian capital is currently being built in the desert. 60 kilometers east of Cairo, the previous capital, the city is currently being planned and built on the drawing board. After we traveled to Saudi Arabia the other day to see the largest […]

Design for ix-body Personal Training

ix-body by Olaf Schulz means learning from the master. The young fitness coach from Berlin is a body builder himself, studied sports management and thus the perfect combination for anyone with a need for perfect condition! With Lukinski at the media helm and corporate design by Lukinski, a name for the future: ix-body.

High pleasure: Card design for loft restaurant

The hochgenuss is located on the top floor, on the beautiful Schrammenplatz. With the elevator it is only two minutes away to the culinary highlight of Memmingen’s city center. Sympathetic and modern, the kitchen offers some specialties for the evening, but also during the day the restaurant with its terrace offers a nice overview over […]

Corporate identity and horny pizza

Da Fabrizio, small & idyllic in the Memminger Sportpark. Who trains a lot may also eat delicious food, best at Fabricio with new map and new corporate design for shirts, outdoor advertising, and much more.