Tag Archive for: interest

Mortgage Interest – Explained Easily, Worldwide Comparison + More

Mortgage Interest – What is mortgage interest? Does USA have high mortgage interest rates? What are the current mortgage ratesMortgage and mortgage interest are complicated topics, but this easy guide will explain everything you need to know. A word most people hate to hear. Financing your home, saving money on financing your home is difficult. […]

Additional Costs – Buying House in Germany, Property Investment, Hidden Fees, More

Additional costs in Germany – It can be maddening trying to understand the German real estate laws and regulations. Below we explain the most important additional costs, and hidden fees which you may not know about. This short how-to guide should let you know a lot about what to consider when buying a house in […]

Purchase Contract – German Real Estate Explained, Guide

Buying a House in Germany – What are the details to look out for in your ‘Kaufvertrag’ when buying a house or property in Germany? Buying a house is complicated anywhere, especially when considering the contract, but coming from abroad, it’s even more important to know how to go about your purchasing contract. When you […]

KfW Special German Loan – How & When to use, for Whom + More

Construction Loans – KfW loans are an important and cost-saving component of construction financing in Germany. As a private real estate buyer you can profit from these subsidized loans and decide on an optimal supplementary component of your construction financing. An exclusive promotion over a KfW loan is impossible, since the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau only […]

Real Estate Loans: Bank, Loan, Equity, Interest, Comparison + Tips

Real Estate Loan – If you want to buy a house or apartment and finance it, a real estate loan is a suitable decision. In principle, a construction financing and a real estate credit do not differ fundamentally. But if you buy an existing property, you usually apply for a real estate and not a […]