Housing summit at the Chancellery and luxury gentrification – Immobilien Nachrichten
This week there are again many exciting news from the real estate industry. We have taken a look at the most important newspapers and magazines for you in order to put together the latest real estate news for you clearly. You can find all the real estate news right here: Real Estate News.
Real Estate News – Topics of the Week
Among other things, this week’s Spiegel takes a look at the crucial question for those looking to invest in their first property. Buy or rent, which is cheaper? Stern reports on the trend towards luxury gentrification. The rental market is in upheaval. Not just in Germany, but in America as well. In particular, this week’s Stern takes a look at luxury gentrification, for extremely wealthy New Yorkers. Housing in New York is becoming scarce, especially for the super-rich. That’s why more and more rent are being pushed out of their old apartments. A building with the time 1300 square meters of living space, was currently sold for 22 million. Instead of many tenants, the rooms are now used for wine cellars, the own fitness area or the third and fourth bedroom. At the same time, the Frankfurter Rundschau points out this week that there are first areas that stop the sale of apartment buildings. Darmstadt is one of them. All this news and other headlines of the week can be found in our real estate press review.
Spiegel: Buy or rent – which is cheaper where?
Various stakeholders met at the Chancellor’s Office for the current housing summit. Merkel then promised 100,000 new social housing units by 2021, meaning that over 100,000 properties are to be built in just three years (if you include new construction outside the social sector). This week, Spiegel takes a close look at the results of the meeting in the Chancellor’s Office. So in Spiegel this week, among other things, it’s about “Housing summit in the Chancellor’s Office: Merkel promises 100,000 new social housing units by 2021” and “UBS warns of real estate bubble in German cities”. More news from this week:
- Real estate: buying or renting – which is cheaper where?
- Explosive curve”: UBS warns of real estate bubble in German cities
- Housing summit at the chancellor’s office: Merkel promises 100,000 new social housing units by 2021
Focus Online determines “where electricity is cheapest now”
Rents are rising, and at the same time electricity is becoming cheaper and cheaper. Focus Online takes a close look at where electricity is currently cheapest and where electricity prices are currently most expensive. The Focus Online blog reports on “Rent madness in Germany: “Like rubbish”: Munich family had to live in emergency accommodation for a year” and “Stay at home and get money: Bet on death: for whom an annuity is worthwhile” . More news from the blog:
- Large map of Germany: Prices are falling everywhere: Where electricity is now cheapest – and where most expensive
- Rent madness in Germany: “Like garbage”: Munich family had to live in emergency accommodation for a year
- Stay at home and get money: Bet on death: for whom an annuity is worthwhile
Frankfurter Rundschau: State stops sale of apartment buildings
While gentrification is progressing in other cities, individual parts of the state of Hesse are stopping the sale of apartment buildings, Darmstadt being one of them. The Frankfurter Rundschau highlights the current topic. This week at Frankfurter Rundschau among other articles on “Land stops sale of apartment buildings” and “For whom an annuity is worthwhile”. More from the blog:
- Milinkovic-Savic, the 100 million promise
- For whom an annuity is worthwhile
- Country stops sale of apartment buildings
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Advantages and pitfalls” of house gifts
This week, Frankfurter Allgemeine has some exciting articles, for example “Advantages and pitfalls: giving away a house” and “Agents of accommodation: How much do Airbnb and Co. destroy living space?”. More news from this week:
- Advantages and pitfalls: house to give away
- Heating, hot water, stove: German households consume more energy for housing
- Accommodation brokers: How much are Airbnb and Co. destroying housing?
Handelsblatt on real estate prices in German cities
In contrast, Handelsblatt reports this week on “How Tokyo wants to catch up with London and New York through the 2020 Olympics” and “Real estate prices in German metropolises continue to rise – despite the threat of a price bubble” . More headlines of the week:
- Property prices in German cities continue to rise – despite the threat of a price bubble
- People in need of care receive these grants for the conversion of their property
- How Tokyo wants to catch up with London and New York through the 2020 Olympics
Star on the trend of luxury gentrification
Stern’s blog deals with “Trend luxury gentrification: All tenants out! How to turn an apartment building into a temple of bigwigs” and “Housing: Only if we have fun saving again, the housing shortage will disappear” . More news from the blog:
- Housing: Only when we have fun saving again will the housing shortage disappear
- Trend luxury gentrification: All tenants out! This is how an apartment building becomes a temple for bigwigs
- Renovation deluxe: This is how this hovel became a 190,000-euro house
Haufe: Broker competition on the net
New from Haufe this week includes “Broker Competition on the Net” and “Schomberg Family Founds Investment Management Boutique”. More social media news:
- Broker competition on the net
- Berlin Degewo: A house for the future
- Schomberg family founds investment management boutique
T-Online: “Who bears the costs for mold”?
This week T-Online has topics such as “Tenancy law – What to do about damp cellars?” and “The dream of a house – ancillary costs when buying a house – this is where the cost traps lurk”. New topics of the week:
- Moisture damage – Mold in the apartment – Who has to bear the costs
- The dream of the house – additional expenses with the house acquisition – here the cost traps lurk
- Tenancy law – What to do about damp cellars?
Süddeutsche Zeitung on global real estate markets
This week’s Süddeutsche Zeitung blog is about “When words fail” and “Vorgebaut”. Updates and news from the blog:
Bundesanzeiger: No prosperity without commercial real estate
This week at Bundesanzeiger among others “Without commercial real estate no prosperity” but also “Small neighbour, big role model”. New articles, headlines and trends:
- Small neighbour, big role model
- No prosperity without commercial real estate
- Federal government housing summit: ZIA calls for streamlining, simplification and acceleration
Berlin.de: Increase in heating costs expected
New articles and posts from Berlin.de this week include “Falling hazard: Ikea recalls ceiling light” and “Increase in heating costs expected” . More headlines of the week:
- Danger of falling: Ikea recalls ceiling lamp
- Heavy-duty detergent: powder performs better than gel pads
- Increase in heating costs expected
Immobilien Zeitung: 2018 will be another investment record year
This week Immobilien Zeitung has interesting topics like “Sales slump on Berlin investment market” and “Second largest investment sum in logistics real estate” in the blog. The posts and more tips can be found here:
- Slump in sales on the Berlin investment market
- 2018 will be another investment record year after all
- Second largest investment sum in logistics real estate
Manager Magazin: Frankfurt is the main destination for Brexit bankers
There are also new headlines this week from Manager Magazin such as “Housing subsidies, social housing, taxes: These are the results of the housing summit” and “Helaba study: Frankfurt is main destination for Brexit bankers”. More headlines: