So much shooting! TI.

Today there is finally some time for our TI Bar and Bistro Shooting from last Sunday at Zea, Braunschweig. Thanks again to all the Brunswick models, it was a great night for our little TI team! Soon many great pictures will follow. There is one more shooting coming up this week, Saturday. Lots of old […]

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! – 360 degrees HD Panorama

Whoa. We got 360 degrees. We have high-definition. We have the most awesome – I’m not understating – tool for real estate: 360° HD panoramas. They’re gorgeous, virtual, and can be had for not even $359. Woah. That’s less than 1 euro per degree? Great offer? Definitely!

AJ | Make Up #Relaunch

With, for and thanks to Kabelbrand I was once again able to accompany an interesting project – or rather, an interesting person: Astrid Jerschitz. Cologne, LA – but currently in Shanghai. In only 14 days we created a website, small, nice & diverse.

Old Fashioned: Mascara Font Design

How do you develop logos in a completely digital world? Displayed on smart phones, developed in a computer user interface of paths. #Revolution! In traditional style, I’m forgoing tech tools today and drawing myself, with multi-effect mascara. Am I cologne, yes. Can I paint with mascara, by all means!


Hello future! Hello ‘Cloud’. Lukinski Media is now 99.9% digital! Plus 0.01% power cable. Even more efficient – a good Sunday.

Cable Fire Agency: Information Kit with Universe ’13

Welcome to outer space. Matching the > event there is only the seductive 300g/cm² brochure in minimal design. A world full of interactive marketing, guerilla and experiential communication. Kabelbrand is based in Cologne, incl. very sympathetic agency owners. Unusual ideas? Advertising with imagination? Events and ambience. Your contact for unusual ideas! Incl. a pinch of […]

L’ Instagram *uncensored

L’ on Instragram. Cheeky, fonttastic and fresh behind the scenes. The life of an artist in the big media world. Between designs, models and management, there’s always time for a piece of paper and my black Bic pen. L’s Spring on Instagram.*

L’ Tape Art: Cable Fire Event / Cologne HBF

This is what Kabelbrand has to say about ‘In Space Not New’: ‘Yeeeahiii…. the PHOTOS from Saturday are DAAAA! KABELBRAND says in this sense once again MANY THANKS to the party-hungry crowd! It was a fantastic evening and see you very soon =)’ As a premium intern at Kabelbrand I got the tape. The result: […]

L’s Going World Wild!

Dear Community. I almost want to start like this at the ‘instatastic’ beginning of the L’ Instagram offensive. Day two: 100+ likes! Is Lukinski becoming a star? You can follow it – on the people’s receiver of your choice! A few tasters are now available on L’ social channels World Wide – for all the […]

My first time …InDesign.

Today, in beautiful Cologne Ehrenfeld, less than 500 meters from the – in my opinion – most beautiful mosque in Western Europe, I’m going to do a presentation of great format. It’s all about guerrilla, ambience and sensation marketing. And for that we need what? InDesign! Foreign PC, foreign software. Ah! In combination: A real […]

Schavan! Arrrr. Good thing I don’t care.

Accusations of plagiarism: University denies Schavan doctorate – Minister announces lawsuit (A personal comment by L, spontaneous and unedited). A personal comment: after 97 hours of work (excl. travel, etc.) last week full of work, I learn on Tuesday at 10:14 pm of Ms. Schavan’s (not Dr. Schavan) … Title-recognition. What else do you want […]

Cable Burn Event: Now with Lukinski!

My new job at cable fire is more than a party. Cable fire is a feeling. A feeling of life. Kabelbrand is liberation. Liberation from the ordinary, from the everyday. Kabelbrand is real and pure. Conventions and constraints are clearly rejected!