Tag Archive for: valuation

Sell property: Procedure, building law, realtor, notary, costs & taxes

The sale of a plot of land is a decision you have thought about for a long time. There can be various reasons for the sale. But when it comes to the success of the sale, all owners agree. The property should be sold at the best price and without a long waiting period. If […]

Selling an apartment building: Determine price, taxes & tenants + speculation tax

Selling apartment house – Fully rented or with vacancy, the sale of apartment houses (also rental house / apartment building) is more special, but also more lucrative, you evaluate everything from the types of apartments, to the land. It becomes more special when selling old apartment buildings, with and without real estate agents. But let’s […]

Valuing a house: Estimate purchase Price or have it Estimated? Valuation

If house or dwelling were bought not too long ago, building costs or the purchase price offer first approximate values with the house evaluation. On the Lukinski real estate portal you can get more information about the current value of your property by comparing it with properties in similar locations, of the same size and […]

Sell your Real Estate / Property: Condo, house, apartment buildings

Selling property – You want to sell your property? For the successful and profitable sale of a property, the first step is always a well-founded and realistic valuation. In the end, this determines the selling price to be set. In the next step real estate agents bring your real estate to solvent prospective buyers, here […]

Valuate apartment: calculate purchase price and sell condominium

Apartment valuation – You have a condominium and want to know what it is worth? Of course you can immediately go to an appraiser and/or real estate agent with this question. However, the exact valuation becomes important at the latest when you want to sell or bequeath the apartment. Even in the case of a […]