Create & Sell NFT: App / Marketplace, Become Creator, Make Money – Tutorial

Create & Sell NFT – You want to make money with NFTs? Those who really make money with NFTs are usually artists who already have notoriety, reach and buyers in the “real world”. As an absolute newbie and beginner, uploading a few artworks in an NFT marketplace is not enough. No work, no success! This guide will help you get started to become an NFT Creator. You’ll learn about the major marketplaces, your wallet, and I’ll show you how to upload and sell artwork. You’ll also learn the ultimate advantage of why NFTs are very interesting for artists.

Earn money with NFT: basics

Before we start publishing and selling NFTs, here’s an overview of the basics, with further guides, lists and articles.

  1. How does an NFT work?
  2. NFT Art: Advantages (Smart Contract / Royality)

How does an NFT work? Quickly explained

Let’s now clarify the term NFT. NFT = Non-fungible Token = “non-replaceable tokens”, if you translate it 1:1. Formulated somewhat more nicely:

NFTs are digital, unique, protected objects

NFTs are therefore digitally unique, something one-of-a-kind, traceable thanks to an object’s visible sales history. Everything is documented in a blockchain, mostly Ethereum. Each NFT is a token, more precisely a non-fungible token. This type of token contains additional content, for example smart contracts, in which various information can be located. For example, the entire transaction history (from publication to all buyers / sellers), but also the royalty (a strong advantage for artists, which we will get to in a moment).

That was too fast for you? Learn all about it here:

Advantages for artists: Smart Contract / Royality

NFT use smart contracts. A programmed contract that has been deposited. This can contain various things as just described, for example, when was bought, sold, who bought, sold (history of transactions), but also the link to the original file.

In addition – and this is where it gets interesting for artists – the creator can add a percentage to the smart contract that he or she will receive for every (yes every) future transaction. In the technical term “Royality”. Mostly up to 10%.

Profit on every sale (Royality)

This is an enormous advantage over the regular physical art market, in that the creator only profits once, on the first sale. With NFTs, the creator receives the share with every transaction.

For artists, this means: Regular cash flow

The value creation therefore only benefits collectors. Artists are involved in the entire value chain with NFTs. So you could also give away your art (or offer it cheaper) to profit later.

Now the big question, how do you get started? How can you create and sell NFTs?

Create account: Marketplace and Wallet

To sell NFTs, you need two things. You need a wallet (digital purse) and an account with an NFT marketplace.

  1. Wallet
  2. Marketplace

Learn everything about registration, wallet and marketplaces here:

Step 1 – Wallet: Your digital wallet

Wallet means “digital wallet”. We store your digital money (cryptocurrency), but also your purchased NFTs. You link this wallet to the marketplace and you can upload and sell your artwork.

Instead of many sentences, simply explained in bullet points (with technical terms):

  • Cryptocurrency = digital currency
  • Ethereum (cryptocurrency/blockchain) = very frequently used currency on marketplaces
  • Wallet = purse (also NFT storage place)

Again, there are various providers for this.

  • EtaMask
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • WalletConnect
  • Formatic
  • Trust

Step 2 – Marketplace: platform for buying and selling

An NFT marketplace is a platform where artists offer their new works and collectors buy and also resell digital art.

Remains are among others:

  • OpenSea
  • SuperRare
  • Binance NFT
  • NFT

Here you can find a list of popular marketplaces for NFTs:

Screenshot: OpenSea / CryptoPunks

Create NFT: Upload, Minting, Sale

You have your wallet, you have chosen a marketplace, now you can publish your art (technical term: minting).

  1. NFT types
  2. NFT Collections
  3. Upload in marketplace
  4. Publish (Minting)
  5. Selling price / Offer

NFT Types: Collectibles, Art, Gaming, Music & More

There is more within the NFTs than “just” art. There are also collectibles (which will play a role in the later metaverse), but also gaming, trading cards (soccer, baseball, etc.), as well as music, exclusive access and even domains.

What are the different types of NFTs?

  • Collectibles
  • Art
  • Gaming
  • Music
  • Additions / Entry
  • Domains

NFT Collections: “Art Packages

If you want to sell NFT for the first time, you have to learn the world of NFT & digital art first.

Unlike physical art, there are also entire collections of hundreds and even thousands of individual objects. Here is a small insight into a few examples of successful NFT collections: The“CryptoPunks” and the “BoredApe Yacht Club“.

Such collections are not a must, you can of course publish individual artworks.

Learn more here:

Step 1 – Upload in the Marketplace: Portfolio (Minting)

With this step you add your artwork to your portfolio. Now we come to minting, the publication of your NFT. This is the moment when your smart contract is entered on the blockchain for the first time. Only in the second step, the listing, your NFT is offered for sale.

First click on “Create” in the menu.

You can add a few extras to your NFT.

  • Properties – categorization for collections (by color, accessory, etc.)
  • Unlockable Content (after purchase)
  • Levels
  • Stats

Now just upload and done, your NFT is in your portfolio.

Step 2 – Listing and sale

You have your NFT, now you just click “Sell”.

In the screenshot you can see that you can set different ones here as well.

  • Fixed price / auction
  • Price
  • Runtime

Here’s how to sell your artwork as NFT!

Example NFT collections

Learn from successful projects here!


Currently the biggest hype when it comes to NFT, the CryptoPunks.

Screenshot: OpenSea / CryptoPunks

Bored Ape Yacht Club

The first collection, now there are other offshoots, the Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Screenshot: OpenSea / Bored Apes Yacht Club