Clouds & Big Data – landing page

Clouds on everyone’s lips. Big Data & NSA. Is the world going to end? If so, at least it’s a little fancier! More on the lecture series coming soon from your trusted designer, Lukinski. The landing page and design are already set.

‘Small economic miracle’ – Business magazine

Wirtschaftsmagazin: “With True-Images it may be gladly a little more than only a meaningful picture – Guido Meisenheimer and his team are prepared in any case.” Under the title “Interestingly staged”, Mittelpunkt Magazine presents us as a ‘Small Economic Miracle’ in its October issue.

Interview on TI Imaging

In the latest Member Portrait interview from Startplatz (Cologne), I introduce TI Imaging and our innovative, interactive 360° websites.

Every boy loves rockets… Design!

Yes, every boy loves rockets! That’s why the current launch of Rocket.Crowd now comes with a fancy logo and matching web design for this very innovative start-up. This is basically classic online marketing, but with new crowd-sourcing tools. Exciting for all success increases in the area of e-commerce and public relations. Here you can reach […]

2,000,000 idea

We have a project of global interest. The, idea. Need 2,000,000 euros.

Worth seeing!

It will be further optimized – on content management, keywords & design. Still top 5 of my ‘favorite projects’: Astrid Jerschitz Make Up Artist & Model.

Lukinski | New Media | Design | Management | Köln | Hamburg | Berlin

RocketSEO Cologne! On 10.09.2014 with Lukinski

RocketSEO and Lukinski in Love!   RaketenSEO in Cologne. On September 10, 2014 it’s time and the big event on search engine optimization in Cologne starts. Unfortunately it’s invisible, almost! Here’s an insight into RaketenSEO on Google.

97 years – Design and Pixel

Many know him as Grandpa. But Grandpa’s real name is Hal Lasko and he’s 97 years old. His art? 8-bit design with Windows 95 and Microsoft Paint.

Worth seeing!

Websites are sometimes finely structured and complicated. Sometimes very simple. And sometimes, you don’t even see the great art! ‘Smart & Smart’ – a wonderful project by the TI Digital department, directed by Martin Vasel. is a reliable supplier of wood pellets, fireplaces and fireplace accessories. In the new e-commerce you can easily order […]

New design

You can tell. Looks new. It is.

Wertheim Cologne – Logo Design

With, for and thanks to Kabelbrand we are working on a wonderful new project in Cologne’s city. Much is still secret until the construction site arrives. Nevertheless, we are already busy creating the cooperated identity, online and offline. Already the logo – secret – but a dream.

Worth seeing!

Fresh from the digital printing press. Kabelbrand develops creative advertising concepts with interactive events and campaigns. The small creative agency is located in Cologne Ehrenfeld.