Selling a house: Successfully selling your own house in Sankt Augustin

Do I need a real estate agent or can we do the house sale privately? House sale in Sankt Augustin: Several times a week we receive emails, as well as in conversations on the various construction sites and in new buildings we encounter many inquiries, collected over days and weeks and clearly sorted you can see here all the central questions about the profit-maximizing sale of a property and the associated land.

First it is about – real estate valuation of condominium and home, the first broker appointment. Villa for families with 120 or 240 square meters, whether The very first step is for you to get the highest price . Acquire all the mandatory know-how in the sale of housesknow well in your region and if you do not feel like all the stress, contact us via e-mail and phone, in the serious price assessment of houses will support all the noted here and of course further, presupposed knowledge in the real estate market, knowledge of Sankt Augustin and surrounding area and they and should you want to save a lot of valuable time, contact us via e-mail and phone.

Provision of documents: floor plans and old architectural plans

You numerous, relevant documents, they include, for example, the energy certificate & floor plan of the house. An important tip, present your property with good photographs. Quite simply, so that all their buyers can make a much more comprehensive impression of your property. The, the edited real estate photos should have good quality under all circumstances.

Haus verkaufen mit Makler in Sankt Augustin

The amount for the property or apartment

Age, defects, quality of construction, locationcarry a role in the purchase price calculation, if everything is to work well plannable. It is not important which sums you had paid at that time. Supply and demand on the current market regulate the value that one of your favored prospective buyers will pay, you should know this so that no unrealistic ideas are awakened. Supply and demand of houses in Sankt Augustin on today’s real estate market regulate the purchase price You are not sure about the value of the house? For private individuals, it may be very complex to determine the actual value of the house in a binding manner.

The list continues with this topic: Designing a beautiful exposé for customers. Already with the first overview on the descriptionand the details confirms itself actually already for many prospective customers whether attention is generated or also not. The effort for a really meaningful real estate advertisement is therefore profitable for you in the sale. With all the little things in and around the house you know as a real estate owner, if necessary even former residents, anyway best. Always pay attention to the consideration of all key data and information, as well as garage and parking space, an own swimming pool to relax, winter garden or property and conversion possibilities. Done, the exposé is now ready? In the following your real estate should be mediated to possible new owners, in an advertisement on a portal for real estates or in the good old local newspaperin Sankt Augustin. And then it’s time to wait and see, will your property be accepted?

Receive inquiries from prospective buyers

With a strong Exposè perfectly prepared by the expert the contact structure often goes fast and already you have first prospective customers, your assigned broker answers the most different inquiries, only if more deeply going inquiries arise, he or she contacts you.

Sell like local professionals, the next on your structured plan: arrange and conduct viewing appointments for prospective buyers.With each hour the excitement grows. The commissioned agent then permanently sets up new viewing appointments with prospective buyers interested in the type and location of your home, he does all the talking without you. Almost all home sellers let your agent do the work, yet sellers can be in the conversations. Always make sure your property makes a clean impression on prospective buyers as well.

Confirmation of the actual creditworthiness of the interested parties

You should not have to deal with any spontaneous surprises when selling your home, the insured credit rating is checked immediately.

Further it goes on your task list with: Notary appointment and conclusion of the purchase contract.The last still to be discussed trifles of the purchase contract but also the necessary renegotiations, makes your broker of confidence, the notarized contract prepares your professional together with the order notary for buyer and seller in a draft contract and of course, for a notarization you have to go once to a notary, required by law, whatever advantages you had, whether real estate and the free property with top location, you are already very close to the goal. With him both sides sign the now detailed formulated purchase contract, so you have officially sold your property, we congratulate.

Then after the completed land register entry (or priority notice of conveyance), the purchase price of the property can be repaid directly.

After the purchase contract, your notary organises the necessary entry in the land register. In addition, he has a so-called Auflassungsvormerkung registered, the official document ensures, for example, the effective exclusion of risks of multiple sales, your notary gives the buyer the OK, right when he or the executing bank can transfer the sale price to you. Do not forget, after release you should check your account for the receipt of the purchase amount.

Your next step is to pay the notary and estate agent’s fees and then instruct them to pay the service you have ordered for the purchase agreement and contract, once the previously negotiated purchase agreement has been sealed by the seller and buyer with their signatures.

The deal!Pay land transfer tax

Now one last important info sale of your house may incur capital gains tax. Namely, if a private sale and sale of your house does not take place more than 10 years, on it are calculated possibly the church tax and solidarity surcharge, of course, there are exceptions, for example, if you as the owner more than 3 years]36 months really lived in your house and never rented.

Housing market, houses and new construction – New and existing buildings

Our advisor new building demand today to New prices for building plots, terraced homes and also flats in Sankt Augustin. Sankt Augustin currently has 0.06 million people, on an area of 34.22 square kilometers. Terraced houses, flats are in demand with 1640 citizens on each square kilometer. All together in Sankt Augustin are registered 0,07 % of inhabitants of Germany.

Sankt Augustin housing market – Living in Sankt Augustin

The Federal Office for Statistics collected this year figures to Sankt Augustin but also Germany, according to these 21,795 people live in houses, such as the owner-occupied house, terraced house or apartment building, which is in their own possession, in their condominium live 3,451 people. On top of that, 27,165 residents live in rental housing, of which 33,108 are married and 23,007 are single. Backlogs of new construction in all counties. Current housing needs are really high, studies project 20,405 new units17% project 23,806 new apartments in the next few years and just over a third project Sankt Augustin apartments. How many will actually be built according to projections? Currently, only 157 new housing units are being created in Sankt Augustin. With an investment amount 2.2 billion euros annually.

46,256 happy property owners in Sankt Augustin

Sankt Augustin is wonderful! The people of Sankt Augustin are really satisfied with the housing situation, whether in the suburbs or in the centre. Of the real estate owners there are 46,256 happy people who appreciate just this excellent location and neighborhood, less satisfied, however, are only 9,859. But also among tenants in Sankt Augustin you can feel the good feeling with 41,256 people compared to 14,859 people who are currently dissatisfied. The vast majority of citizens live in houses for one family and in no apartments. In a single-family house live 29,385 Sankt Augustiner, in multi-family houses live 17,437 of it 8,703 people in two-family houses, so lives Sankt Augustin.

The future and age groups in Sankt Augustin: what lies ahead

The city has purely statistically many, also young citizens, exemplary 2,065 young adults between 21-23 years but also so some for the Sankt Augustin purchasing power important residents in advanced age, such as 13,630 people aged 40-59 yearsYou can also see increases in the development of the population. Sankt Augustin is growing regularly, from 55,644 citizens a little more than 4 years ago, Sankt Augustin grew by a calculated 471 to today’s statistical 56,584, the trend continues, because already in four years about 57,970 citizens will live here, another 1,855 peopleCome now to the estimates in the next fifteen years.

0.4 billion euros invested in Sankt Augustin real estate

The investment capital has grown immensely, unbelievable 0.3 billion euros in liquid funds, according to statistical data basis of the German Federal Bank on accounts, even much more, namely 0.4 billion euros are tied in real estate business. The total transactions of real estates lie in Sankt Augustin at present with, statistically regarded,45 euro. In the same period, 2.2 billion euros were used in the new construction of apartments in Sankt Augustin, a full 2.6 billion euros are invested every twelve months in the modernization of properties, so in total the real estate sector moves 9.9 billion euros in the calendar year.

Owners of apartments and houses in Sankt Augustin by age group

Owning real estate makes living much easier. At the same time owners of houses and apartments exist in all age groups. Let’s look at a few examples. According to a Germany-wide check by empirica, 2,360 children up to 10 years of age live in real estate today, with the older children, or teenagers, it becomes somewhat more, also because parents have the nerve-costing toddler age behind them and work, some now buy their house or just in cities a condominium for the young family. From 11 – 21 years live 2,923 in the property of the dear parents, behind the young people comes a kink, among the 21-30 year olds, they are looking for the adventure Germany-wide, in this age group live just 639 people in their own home. The portion rises, the older the Sankt Augustiner become. Thus it rises with the 31 – 40 year olds 2,423 and something over them, with the 41 – 50 year olds even whole 4,190, between 51 – 60 years have 3,836 Sankt Augustiner property. With the 61 – 70 year old people one brings it still on 2,930, because the coming part of the life spend not quite so many in the house or in the free-hold flat, 1,816people.

Statistical data for Sankt Augustin

Housing situation – apartment

Housing situation Number
Home 21.795
Apartment 3.451
Apartment for rent 27.165
WG 3.698

Statistics: Federal Statistical Office

Home ownership

Homeowners in Sankt Augustin (age) Quantity
0-10 2.360
11-21 2.923
21-30 639
31-40 2.423
41-50 4.190
51-60 3.836
61-70 2.930
71-80 1.816

Statistical source: empirica / LBS Research


Surrounding Area

Households today 2035 Difference
1 23.007 24.691 1.683
2 19.079 20.201 1.122
3 6.734 5.612 -1.122
4 5.050 4.489 -561
5+ 1.683 1.627 -56

Source: Federal Statistical Office

Saint Augustine

Households / persons today 2035 Difference
1 29.741 31.424 1.683
2 16.273 15.712 -561
3 5.050 4.489 -561
4 3.367 3.311 -56
5 + 1.122 1.010 -112

Statistical source: Federal Statistical Office