Selling a house in Wesel & surroundings with or without an estate agent
Private sale or better with a real estate agent? Now successfully sell your own house! For this we have all important inquiries, which reach us in the enterprise, just like in my everyday life on in discussions with the inspection date or still directly on the building site.
Calculation of the value of the house and apartment, the first meetings and appointments with your estate agent
Whether you are selling a house with 80 or 180 m², a heat-storing eco-house or an antique half-timbered house, you should always be clearly aware of how to proceed most skilfully and how to achieve the highest possible selling price for your property. Acquire in our community all the here noted and further, necessary know-how in the real estate market, research prices that have already been achieved in Wesel and and should you not want to make an effort, contact us a mail. In case of a price estimation of objects, all the presupposed knowledge in the real estate sale price research will help you with the calculation, if you are really not interested in all the effort, contact us simply via e-mail and telephone.
Sell like recognized experts, as the next task on your plan: provide documentation. Floor plans and old plans of the architect. The energy certificate but also the floor plan of the property are important documents that you should definitely have for the upcoming viewings. Professional photographs increase the value of your house or condominium in Wesel, so that any potential buyer can get a much more comprehensive picture of your house or townhouse.
Selling like real professionals, next on the sales plan for real estate salein Wesel: calculate stable market value for your property or apartment. A determination of a purchase price consisting of credible values, contribute various elements such as location, defects, transport accessibility, as well as property condition and equipment, it does not count in the first place, what you yourself had paid at some point for your property. As always, supply and demand of real estate dominate the value that one of the favored prospective buyers will be willing to pay. You have to take this into account in order not to have any unrealizable ideas, the demand and supply of houses in Wesel on the current market dominate the expected selling price that the buyer will pay. You should pay attention to this in order not to let unrealistic wishes arise. You are not really sure about the assessment of the selling price of the object when thinking about it more intensively? For the inexperienced it is indeed very difficult to correctly assess the actual market value.
Preparation of the distinctive exposé for future interested parties
Already with the over-reading of the description of your old objectand all the details around m² and KWh decides already whether interest in a purchase is aroused or not, like everywhere it is also exactly with house buying searches, here almost only the first view counts, the time for an extremely beautifully prepared real estate advertisement is worthwhile itself thus for you in the sales. And another thing, as the owner you know all the important details by heart, so make sure that all the extras appear in the exposé of your property. For example, floor space and landscaping options for the new owner, garden, pool or , etc. Your exposé for your house sale stands? Now the house should be presented to potential buyers, in an advertisement on a portal for real estate or in the reliable press and then it is called wait.
Your next step: Acceptance of inquiries.with your exposé including representative photo galleries the search runs then usually faster than thought, there your real estate agent has the first feedbacks on your current real estate advertisement, if you assigned an agent for the sale he makes all feedbacks for you, exclusively then, if clearly more deeply going questions arise, he or she takes up personal contact to you.
Arrangement of inspection dates with first possible interested parties and the day of the inspections
Now it becomes more and more exciting, their broker now arranges every morning viewing appointments with prospective buyers who are interested in your property, the broker leads the agreed appointments. Many rely on the broker called, of course owners may also be on site, always also make sure that your property makes a decent impression on each visitor, because the eye eats as is well known.
Next up: Checking the prospective buyer’s buying power. If you want to sell your house and land, start with a successful broker, because he will check the creditworthiness of the new owner after home inspection and the detailed inspection of sockets, doors, light bulbs, etc. directly by information from the broker.
The new task: officially certified purchase contract together with the notary. A new owner is found, now the broker leads the talks to the house sale with your potential new owner, he regulates the formalities of the immediately following sales contract, your specialist formulates and prepares the notarial sales contract in a draft contract together with the desired notary’s office, for the notarization of the real estate sale the walk to the notary is standard. Whatever conditions you had, whether rarely used property with good transport links in a central location, the goal is closeBuyer and seller sign the now complete purchase contract, with the signature you have officially sold the house, congratulations.
Then after the executed land register entry (also priority notice of conveyance) the pre-sale price can be transferred immediately by payment order.
Your supervising notary will then enter the new passage in the land register and the priority notice of conveyance. The official document ensures, for example, the exclusion of the dangers of a double sale to various people who are not known to each other. As soon as the new owner can release the price to you, the buyer will be informed asap by the notary. Check if the payment has been received on your bank account.
Transfer pending receivables from real estate agent and notary public
Your real estate in Wesel is fixed sold, then the payment for brokers and the notary’s office is still pending, your payment to must send off promptly in the connection notary’s appointment, they receive for the settlement individual calculations, from notary and brokers.
The very last step: transfer of the resulting real estate transfer tax
. One last crucial info between the sale and the past purchase no more than full 10 years, you have to pay capital gains tax. In addition, then possibly the general solidarity surcharge and church tax. However, there are also exceptions. For example, if you as the owner lived there for more than 3 years in owner occupation.
New construction, housing market and real estate
The guide from population and development to new construction needs up to date. With a total area of 122.56 km², Wesel has enough space for housing units in the core and suburbs. Today, 60,797 inhabitants live here. With 496 people per square kilometre, living space is naturally a scarce commodity. Comparing the figures with the Federal Republic, Wesel is home to 0.07% of the German population.
Facts and figures on the current housing and real estate market
The Federal Statistical Office published figures on Germany this year, statistically there are 23,614 people living in their own house or apartment building and 29,432 renting, of which 35,870 are married and 24,927 are single. New construction needs in the form of apartments in all districts. What calculations exist from reputable surveys? The demand for newly built housing is unabated, recently published studies assume 22.108 new housing units, about 17% assume 25.793 new housing units in the coming years and one third assume Wesel new housing units in Wesel. Statistically, what amount of units will actually be built? At present only 170 units are built, invested are 2.355.681.093,33 Euro at the moment.
Wesel’s residents get off to a good start
Thereby all people in Wesel are happy with the living situation, whether multi-family or single-family house, of all property owners there are many, namely 50,115 satisfied people, who just like this sympathetic neighborhood and location, less satisfied are only 10,682. Also with the tenants in Wesel you experience the good feeling with 44,698 happy residents. Did you know, the amount of Weseler lives in house for one family, not in a multi-family house, in single-family houses live 31,837 Weseler, clearly more than in houses with more than two tenants, here live 18,892 and again 9,429 people in houses for two parties, the popular semi-detached house.
Real estate planning: demographics and population
Statistically Wesel has many, also young citizens, like 4.000 soon to be Tennager between 6-14 years and some for the Wesel purchasing power important persons in the advanced age, like 3.210 persons between 50-64 years. The current estimations of the long-term town developments continue, already in four years according to forecasts about 62.806 inhabitants will need space to live, additional 2.009 citizensWe now change to current calculations until 2035.
In the current real estate market 422,483,880 euros are invested
The unused money has grown immensely, unbelievable 370.751.160 Euro cash assets slumber, according to statistical data bases of the Bundesbank at present on bank accounts. Much higher sums, about 0.4 billion euros are deposited in real estate, only 77.6 million euros exist as useable assets, would you have known that? Statistically, extremely high amounts are paid every year by sales and purchases or so-called transactions, more precisely 5,567,973,493.33 euros, in the same period of time 2,355,681,093.33 euros are moved in the new construction of apartments in Wesel, up to 2,783,986,746.67 euros are invested every year in the modernization of houses and apartments, in total the market for real estate in Wesel moves a whole 10.7 billion euros a year.
Living without rent? Wesel property
Who lives in Wesel in the really own four walls? We have property owners in every age group Let’s take a quick look at two of the examples. According to a nationwide survey (empirica), 2,557 children between the ages of 0 and 10 currently live in houses or condominiums that have belonged to their parents for at least one generation; as they get older, there are already a few more. Presumably because the time-consuming toddler phase is over and parents are working on their careers, most are now buying their own home for the small family, among the 11 to 21 year old youngsters 3,166 live in property owned by their hard-working parents, decidedly fewer are among the 21 – 30 year olds, they are looking for adventure all over Europe, of them just 693 live rent-free. The more the age increases, the more probably the inhabitants come now into real estate possession, so it is with the 31 – 40 year olds already again 2,625 and with the people between 41-50 years bring it on 4,539, between 51 – 60 years live 4,156 in the own four walls. With the 61-70 year olds one comes still on 3,175, many sell and thus the ratio sinks only 1,967.
Wesel’s change in the housing market
Housing situation – apartment
Housing situation | Number |
Own house | 23.614 |
Condo | 3.739 |
Apartment for rent | 29.432 |
Shared apartment | 4.007 |
Source: Federal Statistical Office
Home ownership
Homeowner (age) | Quantity |
0-10 | 2.557 |
11-21 | 3.166 |
21-30 | 693 |
31-40 | 2.625 |
41-50 | 4.539 |
51-60 | 4.156 |
61-70 | 3.175 |
71-80 | 1.967 |
empirica / LBS Research (source)
Surrounding Area
Households | today | 2035 | Difference |
1 | 24.927 | 26.751 | 1.824 |
2 | 20.671 | 21.887 | 1.216 |
3 | 7.296 | 6.080 | -1.216 |
4 | 5.472 | 4.864 | -608 |
over 5 | 1.824 | 1.763 | -61 |
Data source: Federal Statistical Office
Households / persons | today | 2035 | Difference |
1 | 32.222 | 34.046 | 1.824 |
2 | 17.631 | 17.023 | -608 |
3 | 5.472 | 4.864 | -608 |
4 | 3.648 | 3.587 | -61 |
over 5 | 1.216 | 1.094 | -122 |
Source: Federal Statistical Office