How to save money when shopping

Shopping is one of people’s most important consumer goods. It is no longer just a matter of necessary purchases such as food or clothing, but nowadays you can also go shopping to pass the time. The tips on how and where you can save money when shopping are listed below.

Buy and sell used books and DVDs

Whoever has read a book to the end usually puts it on the shelf and often doesn’t touch it for a long time. So are DVDs. But if you are one of those people who like watching DVD’s instead of using a streaming service, you can save a lot of money by buying used movies and series. The same applies to books. If you like reading books but don’t want to spend a lot of money on them, you might consider buying used books.

The “disadvantage” of used products

However, the purchase of used DVDs and books has the disadvantage that the latest products are rarely available. However, if you can wait a little longer until you can buy used products, you will save a lot of money. Especially with films and books used articles are a good option, because they are not as often in use as other things.

Netflix and Co. – The competition of the DVD’s

Even DVD’s and books are used less and less. This could be due to the fact that today there are a huge number of offers of streaming services such as Netflix and Co. These services offer a wide range of movies and series and are available at an affordable price per month. For this reason less and less people buy DVD’s, because nowadays you don’t have to buy one anymore to spend a nice movie evening.

Selling DVDs and books

If you have books, films and/or series at home that can no longer be used, you can also sell them. This way you don’t have to throw your unused things directly into the garbage and you can earn some money on top of that.

Negotiate anytime and anywhere – flea market and retail

Be it at the flea market or in the typical retail trade, there is usually always the possibility to save. Anyone who has ever been to a flea market knows that it is a matter of course to negotiate, but in retail it depends on the situation whether you can negotiate or not.

Negotiating on the flea market

Here it is important not to get cocky. While some retailers have utopian ideas about the price of a product, you should still be realistic when negotiating. When negotiating, never set too high, but never too low. One should always ask in advance how much the retailer wants for a product and should then orientate himself to it. It is often advisable to mention a competitor’s offer. The fact that there is another dealer who offers a similar product for less and the buyer is thinking about going to the other dealer has the advantage that the dealer goes down with his price and adjusts him to the competition.

  • Negotiating on the flea market is the A and O
  • Orientate yourself at the trader’s price and then start trading
  • Like offers of the competition

Negotiating in retail trade

In the retail trade, however, it is not the case that you go there and just start dealing. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have the opportunity to save here. In this case, however, you can save money if you discover small or perhaps even larger defects. For smaller defects a discount of 10 percent is usually guaranteed, for larger defects even more. However, it is important to know that not all defects lead to a discount. However, this varies from retail to retail and should be discussed with a responsible person.

  • Only advisable if there are actual defects on the goods
  • Describe to a person responsible
  • Question if you can change the price due to the defects

Visit flea markets – a paradise for savings and pastimes

Flea markets are not only a good pastime, but you can also often find real treasures at affordable prices. Meanwhile, flea markets no longer only sell all the bits and pieces from the cellar or attic, but also a lot of clothes, music and well-preserved furniture. Nowadays you can not only find used objects here, but often also new and unused ones. Who has also many things which he would like to sell himself could consider to have his own stand on the flea market. So if you want to save money, spend a nice afternoon and find things you might not have been looking for, you should definitely visit a flea market.

  • Good leisure time activities
  • From little things from the basement to music to clothes and electronic devices
  • You can also earn something by having your own stand

Buy high quality products

Not everything that is expensive is automatically good. Most of the time, however, it is the case that if you buy something of high quality, you will get something of it for a longer period of time. The reason for this is that the products are usually made of higher quality materials and the production is often more complex than with cheaper products.

High quality products as investment

According to that you pay more money for a product in the first moment, which you could certainly get in a similar condition for a cheaper price, but here you also pay for the lifetime of a product. It is therefore not without reason that such products often see an investment for the future. If you see these products as an investment for the future, it’s probably also easier to cope with the fact that you just spent a lot of money on them. However, you should of course consider carefully whether it is worth buying this product and whether you really need it. Here you can make use of the 10-minute and 30-day rule.

Clothing – clean out, repair and save on new products

Clothing is something everyone needs. Sure, most people want to go with fashion and look trendy with the new clothes. But you can also save a lot of money if you know the right tips and tricks.

Fill out wardrobe

It is important to regularly clean out the wardrobe. This does not only create space in the wardrobe but you can also perhaps earn one or the other Euro. In the course of time, some things often accumulate in the wardrobe, which one often hardly wears anymore or not at all. You can either put these things in the old clothes collection and do something good or you can sell them. There are opportunities like flea markets or online portals where you can sell your clothes.

  • Creates space in wardrobe
  • Sorted clothes can be sold

Visit outlet stores

Outlet stores are a good way to buy clothes, shoes and accessories from well-known brands at lower prices. These are usually have only slight and conspicuous blemishes but are largely in a top condition. Often these garments are discontinued models from previous collections, but often there are also pieces from the current collection. Since there are now countless outlet stores, you should also compare the prices of the various providers here to save the most money.

  • Large brands at lower prices
  • Most discontinued models from the previous collection
  • Top status

Repair garments instead of throwing them away

If you have a garment that you like to wear, it is not uncommon for it to break. Here it offers itself to look whether one can still repair the garment instead of buying directly a new one. Not only can you continue to wear your favourite piece, but you can also save money on what you would have spent on new clothes.

Second hand shopping

As mentioned in our previous tip, you’re not the only person who’s got the closet mucked out and a lot to sell. Other people also do that. For this reason it is also worth buying Second Hand clothing. As already mentioned, these are mostly clothes that were hardly or partly not worn at all. With these articles it is worthwhile itself to access. This will save you a lot of money, as you only pay a fraction of the actual price.

  • Vintage/Retro is totally announced again
  • Best vintage products are available in the Second Hand Shop
  • Often also brand articles
  • Good products for affordable prices

Use sales and save a lot of money

Whoever manages to wait a little to buy a new garment can benefit from sales. With sales you have the chance to buy clothes, which could not be sold in normal sales. But even when a shop closes, sales are often offered. So if you wait a bit until there are sales for the seasons or until a shop closes, you can save a small fortune when shopping.

The 10 Minutes and 30 Day Rule

The 10-minute and 30-day rule is probably currently one of the best ways to save money efficiently when shopping. The rules are not only kept simple, but also easy to implement.

The 10-minute rule

The 10-minute rule deals with smaller purchases such as clothing or food. This is about taking 10 minutes before you actually buy something. It is advantageous if the product to be purchased is taken along for some time. After a certain period of time, the product is in most cases consciously or unconsciously put back. This is the reason why the product has lost its appeal and you notice that you don’t really need the product at all.

  • Captures with smaller purchases such as clothing or food
  • Take 10 minutes to think about a purchase
  • The product to be purchased should be worn further for some time
  • After at least 10 minutes you notice consciously or unconsciously whether you still want the product

The 30 Day Rule

The 30-minute rule, on the other hand, deals with larger or more expensive purchases such as a new sofa, a new computer or more expensive clothing. Here the products are written on a list and waited for. After 30 days the products can be bought or you have noticed that you don’t need or want them anymore. Both rules can also save a lot of money by making you realize in most cases that you don’t need or want a certain product as urgently as you initially thought.

  • Takes up with larger and more expensive purchases
  • Products to be purchased are written on a list
  • You wait 30 days before buying the product at all
  • After 30 days you notice whether the purchase of the product is really worth it or whether you can live on without the product

Avoid installment purchases and save the money sensibly

When buying a product on installments, you should carefully consider in advance whether this purchase really pays off. It is often obvious from the time lag that the product does not bring the hoped-for added value. In addition, an installment purchase is also associated with additional interest, whereby one could also perhaps lose interest.

Pay products directly instead of in installments

If you are able and able to pay for a product directly and in full, you should use it. This may mean that you pay a lot of money all at once, but you know that you are able to pay it and have money left over for other things afterwards. When you buy in installments, it is not uncommon that you quickly lose track of your finances and you may have spent more money on other things and no longer had the installments in mind. This may mean that you may no longer be able to pay the installments and get into trouble quickly. Therefore it is advisable to pay all at once.

Create and follow shopping lists

The sense of a shopping list is, of course, that you don’t forget what you wanted to buy. However, it is also useful to create a shopping list and really only stick to the products on the list. The reason for this is that customers are often lured into the supermarket by various actions and animated to buy certain products. This is where it usually turns out that you don’t actually need the products and that you have no use for them. Therefore one should keep in mind that these impulse purchases can significantly increase the bill at the end.

  • Shopping lists to remember what should be bought
  • Hold to your list
  • Don’t get distracted by other things
  • Pulse purchases increase your bill